Nutritional Classes

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Whole Image Nutrition Workshops 2011

Nutritious Delicious Workshops:

Classes are fun, informative and all of your questions are answered. Each workshop includes Lecture, cooking demo, recipes, handouts and delicious food to taste 

Upcoming Live-food healing Workshops:

Healthy Transition,
Lean and Healthy for Life,
Beautiful on Raw.
Raw Delight: Healthy meal preparation,
The Healing Power of Foods,
Eating for Energy and Ecstasy
How Sweet it is

RAW DELIGHT: Healthy meal prep

Cost: $55

Includes Brunch/Dinner, handouts and Raw Delight Recipe Book

Thursday, October 6th, 2011  6:30 pm - 8:30pm

Thursday, November 17th, 2011  6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Raw Delight: Healthy Live-food meal prep

Are you eating balanced meal everyday?
Busy schedule might prevent you from thinking about the healthy foods that are best for you each day. Planning ahead will enable you to stock the healthy foods that are the best for you to get every day.
My live-food meal preparation workshop will give you the basics to create easy delicious and nutritious flavourful healthy dishes.
All foods are vegetarian, wheat and dairy free with an emphasis on raw and simple.

In this two hour workshop you will:
explore how to shop for a particular food
learn a new way of eating healthily - breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks
learn how to design a 7 day menu plan fast and easy
get a shopping list
discover how to develop a healthy recipe by modifying traditional to reduce its calories, sodium, sugar and fats
get knowledge about nutritional information of foods
learn how to organize your kitchen


Cost: $55

Includes Brunch/Dinner, handouts and raw delight recipe Book

Thursday, Oct 13th, 2011  6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

The Healing Power of Foods

Foods that we eat daily affects our body, emotions, mind and spiritual life.
What we eat and how we eat also reflects a state of harmony within ourselves, the environment and the planet. Food is much more than fat, protein and carbohydrates. It also possesses energies that are important for healing, maintaining, building and cleansing the body.

In this workshop you will:
find out about the healing power of foods
discover the anti-inflammatory foods that help prevent disease.
learn how to incorporate more raw and living foods into your lifestyle
explore how to make smoothies, wraps, treats and pates from scratch
discover superfoods that will help create the right conditions


Cost: $55

Includes Brunch/Dinner, handouts and Raw Delight Recipe Book

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011  11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Saturday, November 26th, 2011  11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Lean and Healthy for Life
How many of you have declared that you are going to get in shape before summer? You are trying on your bathing suit and perhaps you see an extra roll around the tummy, or flabby muscles on your arms; you may not be as firm as you would like to be. Eating less to loose weight will not work! The real trick for ideal body composition is healthy and balanced eating. Changing eating habits is the key.

In this two hours workshop you will:
discover the best food choices to maintain weight balance
get the knowledge what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat
learn steps to achive a balanced weight with no depravation
find out about the superood that bulid a lean and younger body
get delicious nutritious meal plan ideas 


Cost: $55

Includes Brunch/Dinner, handouts and Raw Delight book

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011    11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Healthy Transition: Daily essentials for healthy transition

Many people think that healthy foods are boring with no taste. Wrong! Healthy foods  can be as mouth-watering as crusty-pizza, creamy pasta or decadent chocolate cake.
I suggest a slow transition to a healthy diet to allow your body to shift automatically into the new pattern by incorporating my tips you will start to look and feel better

I this two hour workshop you will:
get tips on how to transition your eating habits
learn how to gradually replace processed foods with healthier options
discover healthy alternative options to make healthy meals, snacks and deserts
receive a knowledge to make slow and sustained change
learn how to prepare your favorite meals with ease
discover the best food choices to enhance your well-bein


Cost: $55

Includes Brunch/Dinner, handouts and Raw Delight Recipe Book

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011  6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Eating for Energy

Do you have difficulty waking up in the morning or a problem with feeling sluggish? It could be your diet. We all need energy to function properly. We need energy for the growth, repair and function of our organs. One way to increase our energy is to eat properly.
We live in a fast-paced society where everything needs to be done quickly; we sometimes don't have time to sit down and enjoy our food.
When our busy schedule and level of stress forces us to skip meals, we can get attempting craving for sweets such as donuts, chocolate, coffee, potato chips, and french fries. These refined carbs will elevate insulin, which causes fatigue. Refined carbs stress our body and steal energy from us.
Join me on this two hour workshop journey of conscious eating where I will provide you with tools and tips on how you can eat healthy for more energy.
In this workshop you will:
find out about super-bio-energetic foods that will boost your metabolism and restore your energy.
learn how to properly balance meals and snacks for proper balance of your blood sugar
get clarity on what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat to increase energy and stamina. 
receive a delicious 7 day meal plan
get the nutritious delicious recipes
taste food made in front of your eyes  


Cost: $55

Includes Brunch/Dinner, Handouts, and Raw Delight Recipe Book

Sunday, November 20th, 2011  11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Thursday, December 15th, 2011  6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Beautiful On Raw

Since ancient Greek times, being physically beautiful means being in harmony with self and with the universe. In order to achieve physical and emotional well-being you need to feel good about the way you look. But how do you achieve this? Loustrous hair, supple skin, clear eyes and a fit body all contribute to harmony with the universe, they come from inner cleanliness as well as proper thoughts, emotions, nourishment an the body from the inside out is the key to a healthy radiant and glowing skin.

In this two hour workshop you will:
discover foods that can make you beautiful and foods that can cause inflammation in your body and skin
learn about foods for easy and gentle detox of the body and skin
learn the health benefits of being raw
discover a new way of eating that can improve your appearance and your life.  


Costs: $55

Includes Brunch/Dinner, Handouts, Raw Delight Recipe Book

Thursday December 1st, 2011   6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Let’s be honest. We like rich creamy decadent desserts full of texture and flavor. When we eat them we feel good, happy and satisfied. But sweets are usually reserved for occasional treats and special celebrations; they are okay in small servings. The problem is when we indulge ourselves a little bit too much!   This can lead to unhealthy weight gain, hormonal imbalance, headaches, mood swings and bad skin.

Most traditional desserts contain flour and are high in unhealthy fats, refined oils and sugar. They are also loaded with additives, preservatives, stabilizers and calories.

Did you know that you can make your own desserts that are sweet and healthy for you.

In this 2 hours workshop you will:
Explore the alternative options to make healthy desserts
Discover the nutritious ingredients that will help contribute to your overall health and wellbeing.
Learn how to make flourless chocolate cake
get the nutritious delicious sweet recipes
taste healthy desserts made in front of your eyes



Fall/Winter 2011 - At a Glance


Thursday, October 6th: Raw Delight: Healthy Live-Food Meal Prep
Thursday, October 13th: The healing Power of Foods
Saturday, October 22nd: Healthy Transition
Sunday, Oct 23rd: Lean and Healthy for Life


Thursday, November 3rd: Eating For Energy and Ecstasy
Thursday, November 20th: Raw Delight: Healthy Live-Food Meal Prep
Sunday, November 20th:  Beautiful on Raw
Saturday, November 26: Lean and healthy for Life


Thursday, December 1st: How Sweet It Is
Thursday, December 15th: Beautiful on Raw


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