What is Raw and Living Food?

Raw food is living food that has not been heated at high temperatures or processed by any means. Food that is processed by heat disrupts the flow of energy to our systems.

Raw food is living food that has the frequency of life, as it has the energy of the sun. 

Raw food has more nutrients and fibres than cooked food. It contains enzymes that are active when not exposed to heat above 118 F. Cooking produces free radicals in food; it damages fats and oils, changing them into trans-fatty acids, which are bad for our health. When you eat cooked food, your body requires more energy for digestion, which can leave you tired the next morning.

When we eat food that comes into our system in live raw form, we preserve our own internal enzyme stores and maximize health. Enzymes are little sparks that carry out biological processes in the body such as digestion, detoxification, nerve impulses and body repair.

Enzymes are found in live food and in every cell and organ in the body.  Fatigue, lack of energy, weight gain and premature aging are all signs of enzyme deficiency.

Raw food is digested easily; it strengthens the immune system, helps with memory and concentration, and cleanses and detoxifies the body. You will feel better, have more energy and achieve a balanced weight.

When you eat fresh living foods you become more in touch with your feelings, experience more joy and develop a higher intuition. You become more deeply alive.

Click here to see samples of Raw Food Recipes


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